Thursday, July 8, 2010

U all was have to do chors at farm like working on fence or scooping poop haha and it stunck

Monday, July 5, 2010

this is milk sperting to feed the kids

farm life

some times if u don't shuve the bottle in the kids mouth they will
spit it out.that is a fact
all so u learn adout blacksmithing

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Assignment

My milking doe is: Trig

My kid (baby goat) is: Fresca

now I just have got to find out each breed!

I will be on team 3 with Garett Acuff and Abby Gorrell

Farm Camp Info

**Written by SonRidge Farm**

SonRidge Farm Day Camp2010Prior to camp check your BLOG for any updates.This is a working farm. No flip-flops, sandals, or open-toes shoes of any kind are permitted at camp. Shoes with heels are not appropriate. Cloth or mesh shoes are discouraged as there will be work around water troughs and possibly mud.
You will need to bring a pair of work gloves each day. There are black widows in this area. If you find one we KILL it; we do NOT just sling it away. Alert a farm worker if you find one.Apply sunscreen before arriving at the farm. You may bring sunscreen (labeled with your name) to reapply late morning. Each day will consist of much work outdoors in the sun. A hat/cap (labeled with your name) is advisable.You are encouraged to bring an emergency bag with a change of clothes including undergarments, socks, and shoes. Include a plastic grocery bag for wet or soiled clothes. There are many instances where a mishap, completely out of your control, could constitute a desire to change into fresh clothes. Please have this bag labeled with your name.Remember to bring your bag lunch (labeled with your name) each day with at least 2 drinks(also labeled with your name). The drinks can be kept in an ice chest. Be careful that you only take YOUR drink or food labeled with YOUR name. While water is sufficient, we advise at least one drink be a juice or electrolyte type drink. Snack bars (labeled with your name) are a good idea. A dispenser with ice water will be available outside at any time.There will be opportunity to taste cheese, butter, and ice cream. If there are any food allergies/intolerances (esp. to dairy or eggs) please advise the 4-H agent AND the farm workers.The schedule of activities each day is subject to change according to the weather. Be aware of the weather forecast and come dressed prepared to work in light rain.You will be updating your blog daily at camp. You will choose photos to add each day. While you are allowed to bring a camera (labeled with your name) be advised that a farm worker will be taking many photos throughout each day, of each participant. Families are welcomed and encouraged to bring cameras on Family Day. PARENTS: please take the time to view AND COMMENT your child's blog EACH DAY. They especially enjoy finding comments during the day when they stop by a computer to check their blog. How sad it is for a child to check his/her blog and find that no one has left a comment. Don't let this happen. Send your child's blog address to family and friends and ask them to comment daily during camp.
Due to the shear volume of photos and the high quality we are shooting images at, we will be uploading ALL photos of ALL campers each night to From this site you can download any and all photos (and videos) of your choice. These photos are taken at a higher resolution so you would have the ability to print larger size photos. Once on the site type in "sonridgefarm" in the search block and click the pull down arrow beside "search". Click on "people" and this will take you to the sonridgefarm photos. Click on the camp album pertinent to when your child is attending.

You are assigned to one specific dairy goat, and one specific kid (baby goat), for the entire week.
You are part of a team; Remember what team you’re on and who your partners are. For many activities and chores you will be assigned according to your team number.While the beekeeping lesson does NOT involve actual contact with the bees, please be informed that there are many stinging/biting insects about this time of year.SonRidge Farm246 Wright Rd, Kings Mountain, NC 28086(704)734-0809 mail AT SonRidgeFarm DOT com